pine: n.【植物;植物学】1.松树;松木。2.〔口语〕凤梨,波罗 (=pineapple)。短语和例子a pine straw 〔美国〕枯松叶。 Chinese pine 油松。 Oregon pine 美国松,洋松。 white pine 枞。 a pine tree 松树。 pine tree men 〔美国〕缅因 (Maine) 州人的绰号。 the Pine Tree S
Thousands of worshippers gather in the front courtyard on holidays to worship wong tai sin ( also known as " red pine hill deity " ) because it is said that he can " make every wish come true " 黄大仙祠始建于1921年,奉拜黄大仙(又称赤松仙子) ,据说黄大仙有求必应,签文灵验,所以信众渐多。
It is said that wong tai sin ( also known as huang chu - ping ) was born in lan xi city of jin hua county in zhejiang province around 328 and later became a deity at heng shan ( also known as the red pine hill ) 传说中,黄大仙(又名黄初平)约于三二八年出生于浙江省金华县兰溪市,其后于横山(又名赤松山)得道成仙。